Placenta remedies
Placenta Remedies
The method of encapsulating your placenta is powerful, these remedies can really support new mothers during the postpartum period, the encapsulation method is the most popular placenta preparation full of nutrients.
The placenta has long been thought of as a magical part of the creation of a baby. This incredible organ is uniquely designed for your baby and is an integral part of any pregnancy and birth. The placenta physically connects you to your unborn baby, providing essential oxygen, nutrients and vitamins.
During and after birth women lose 1/8 to 1/10 of their blood supply from the bleeding wound left inside the uterus, where the placenta was attached during the pregnancy. Following careful, in-depth scientific study and research around the subject, it is believed that the mammalian placenta was made to be consumed to make up for this loss, by giving the new mother essential fats, proteins, vast amounts of iron and essential hormones to heal wounds and aid the body in self recovery after birth.
Placenta remedies have been reported by mums to:
reduce post-birth bleeding
encourage a quick and healthy milk supply
balance hormones (peaks and drops)
improve the appearance of the skin/hair/nails
reduce stress levels
prevent the baby blues and postpartum depression
provide energy to cope with a busy day after little sleep
The most important nutrients, hormones and chemicals found in plentiful supply in the placenta include:
Iron– essential for oxygen absorption in the cells.
Vitamins B6 - aids the making of antibodies.
Vitamin E – for healing damaged skin cells.
Oxytocin hormone – essential for facilitating birth and breastfeeding.
Corticotrophin – releasing hormone (CRH) responsible for reducing stress levels.
Cytokines – fibroblasts that trigger cell metabolism healing and the replacement of damaged cells and tissue.
Thyroxin – it helps you to return to your pre-birth weight in just half the time after birth.
Stem cells - helping to repair damaged skin and boost collagen production in the skin.
Oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone - contribute to mammary gland development, stabilise postnatal mood, regulate postnatal uterus cramping, decrease depression, and normalise and stimulate libido.

your placenta remedy
Depending on your needs, your placenta can be collected after birth and returned by hand or via Special Delivery within 1 - 3 days. There are many different ways the placenta can be prepared.
Placenta encapsulation
simple method
traditional Chinese medicinE
50 tcm / 50 simple
Other placenta preparations
homoeopathic remedies
Placenta Capsules
Most popular remedy
Simple Method
Some midwives and placenta remedy specialists believe steaming the placenta may damage vital hormones and nutrients.
Storage: Simple capsules should be stored in a cool dry place.
Price: £275
Using the simple preparation the placenta is not steamed but sliced raw and dehydrated for 60 minutes to destroy surface pathogens and yeasts, then the heat is reduced for the remaining 14-16 hours. This is particularly beneficial for women who are anemic, suffered blood loss, cesarean section, or history of depression.
TCM Method
Traditional Chinese Medicine
The placenta is considered a powerful and sacred medicine, a ‘full of life force’ organ in China, and has been documented as a healing medicine since 1578.
Storage: TCM capsules should be stored in a cool dry place
Price: £275
Contraindications: It is not advised to consume TCM capsules if you have an infection in the body such as the flu or mastitis. It is said that the yang (heat) energy from the TCM capsules can feed the infection.
More information on this method: Steaming the placenta with herbs is a crucial part of making this placenta medicine. I steam with lemon, ginger and green chili and then dehydrate your sliced placenta for 10-15 hours, grind and encapsulate, a process used for centuries and historical references to consuming the placenta cite this method of preparation. These capsules are warming and are considered ‘slow release’ and stabilising so great further into the postpartum phase.
50 tcm / 50 simple
If you can’t decide I recommend you go for 50/50 - TCM / half Simple placenta capsules. This provides the option to take raw capsules in the immediate postpartum period and continue with TCM capsules.
The cost for preparing 50/50 capsules is an additional - £50.00
Details on Placenta capsules:
A placenta will make between 75 to 190 capsules.
We recommend mothers consume 1 capsule 1-3 times a day during the first 4-6 weeks postpartum or until you feel your hormones have returned to a state of normality. You can take 1-2 capsules whenever you feel you may need a ‘pick me up’ or more energy (usually a sign of low iron) or to boost your breast milk supply.
Other preperations
My favourite remedy & my best seller amongst my clients
placenta tincture
Placenta Tincture takes over six weeks to make, it is a strong remedy that can be used for emotional, mental and psychological instability and is often taken to treat PMS and menopause.
Price: £85 with capsules
Dosage: Suggested dosage is 10-40 drops in water two to three times a day during times of need. It is not a remedy suited to ongoing daily use.
Top Tip: If you are not planning on having any more children after this pregnancy a placenta tincture is an excellent life investment, the perfect way to save the power or your placenta, putting it to greater use in the future for example during PMS and the menopause.
An essence is the intrinsic nature and fundamental quality of a particular person, place, or substance healing on an energetic or vibrational level, stimulating our vital force.
Price: £75 with capsules
You will receive an amber glass bottle with a lifetime supply of undiluted placenta essence as well as an amber glass dropper bottle of diluted essence for everyday use. Dosage: For use during times of transition, illness, transitions, stress, teething, emotional instability or hormonal imbalance. Suggested dosage is 1-4 drops in water when needed by spraying and inhaling or massaging into pulse points on the body (temples, wrists). Store in a cool, dry, dark place. .
Top Tip: Because we advise mothers not to take their TCM placenta capsules when ill or with fever, the placenta essence is an excellent replacement remedy, supporting the body both emotionally and physically during times of illness.
Consuming a small piece of the placenta within 24 hours after birth in a smoothie with berries, fruits and water has been shown to encourage the hemorrhaging (bleeding) of the uterus to slow down and/or stop while also replenishing your body with essential hormones and nutrients giving you much needed energy after birth.
Price: £120 with other products
Mothers who have the raw placenta smoothie after birth report greatly increased energy and often notice their milk ‘comes in’ within hours. You will not taste the placenta in the smoothie - I promise! Any leftovers of placenta smoothie must be consumed within 24 hours.
(Smoothie must be prepared in client's home only).
Homeopathics, like essences, heal on a vibrational, energetic level. Homeopathic placenta remedy can be used as your child’s constitutional remedy for life since it was their life-giving source for their time in-utero. It contains the blue print of his/her energetic make-up .
Price: £75 with other products
We have a PRN homeopath that will make your remedies, one for the mother one for the child, please contact for more information regarding a homeopathic order.
⌓ Improve symptoms of emotional distress, depression, anxiety, mourning
⌒ Improve symptoms of hormonal imbalance
⌓ Help your baby with colic, crying fits, teething and seperation anxiety
book your remedy
order form
To book this service please fill in the booking form below. Please note that there is a £10 collection charge. Once the deposit is received, I will email you the placenta care instructions. A nonrefundable £100 deposit is required and full fee needs to paid by 36 weeks.
Please read the terms and conditions, I do not take any responsibility for any lost or damaged placenta before the placenta comes into my care. The client is responsible for the safe storage using the placenta information. The client agrees to contact me within the first 12 hours after birth. I will be on call for you from 38 weeks until your baby is born.
Complete the online booking form to secure your place
Once you have placed your booking I will contact you with payment details.
Please note I do take last-minute placenta bookings, depending on my availability.
1. My aim is to prepare the placenta within 3 days of its collection, however no guarantee can be given. Please see documents ‘Safe Storage Guidelines’ and ‘Placenta Care’ for guidelines on safe handling and storage of your placenta.
2. I do not take responsibility for damaged or lost placentas before the placenta comes into their care. I am not responsible for any postal delays with the Royal Mail.
3. The client agrees to store their placenta in the Safe Storage Pack provided by the Specialist or in a refrigerator within 30 minutes after birth of the placenta and agrees to ensure their placenta remains chilled until collection.
4. The client agrees to contact their specialist as soon as possible and within 12 hours after birth to arrange safe collection of their placenta.
5. The client consents to the removal of their placenta from the hospital (or home) by the specialist to the extent necessary for the performance of the services.
6. Homeopathic remedies may be re-ordered via the PRN homeopath, who will keep a 1C copy of the client’s original sample for 5 years.
7. Please note once payment has been made this service is non refundable
Placenta Rituals
Half Lotus Births
It is a quiet and respectful transfer of attachment, enabling the continuum in the development and unfolding of the human organism.
The name comes from the Lotus flower, important to many Eastern cultures for its symbolism of unity, detachment and rebirth. Historically records of Lotus birthing appear in Europe as early as the Middle Ages.
The origins of what is called a half lotus birth are from Native American traditions. The Half Lotus, the placenta is left attached to the baby for a minimum of 4 hours and then the umbilical cord is gently burned with a candle until complete separation of the cord occurs (around 5 -15 minutes), no clamping is necessary, the stump of the cord tends to dry out and separate in only 2 or 3 days after birth. While the cord is being burned, baby relaxes and / or has a feed. I will care for the placenta after the birth and help you with the burning of the cord, providing all the necessary supplies. I will offer my support in the cord burning with a candle until it has detached.
Price upon request
Sacred Burial Ceremony
Ceremonial burials of the placenta have traditionally held special meaning for cultures from all around the world
These customs of honouring the placenta have inspired families today to create a ceremony with meaning for their rituals. I will assist you in creating an appropriate ritual to honour your journey from pregnancy to motherhood.
Some families like to recognise the life-giving properties of the placenta and choose to bury it as an offer of nourishment to the land and a blessing to the earth.